Creating A Google Ad

Published on 24 February 2023 at 17:36

This week was a pretty relaxed week for my class which I am so thankful for. This week we actually set up a Google Ad campaign. This was a lot of fun and I think a lot of you would enjoy it to.

We learned how to create an ad campaign by going to Google Ads and clicking on campaign, then going to the keyword section and started inputting keywords that would create headlines and descriptions for the website I am creating. This was a lot of fun because it felt like it was part of the designing process. Below is an example of what keywords I chose for my headlines to really stand out to customers so that they would be enticed to click on my website.


Even though, I only have 3 headlines it is ok to have more than 3 headlines so Google can run through them all and find the best combination that would work the best for customers to come to your website. The only reason I did three is because I didn't want to be repetitive with saying "organic shampoo, organic paw cleaners, and so on." I feel like it is ok that I went with a board keyword of organic pet products, but I will have to see what Google says for me because I think with some businesses it is good to go into specifics. And descriptions really help make everything clearer for the customer.

The headlines and descriptions I chose I felt help define my business and explain what my business offers. Once the ad campaign is created then it is ready to go online and it is ready to show up as the top search when people search for the items you are selling. Have fun with this and be creative to where it advertises your business and not make people confused. I wish you all luck. 

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