How Google Ads Can Help

Published on 18 February 2023 at 00:30

This week in class I learned about how I can make my website get noticed. We started off with learning about Google Ads. Honestly, it was huge learning curve. It took me awhile to understand how it worked, but thank goodness my teacher provided videos and notes. I think the best thing to start off with understanding keywords. It is super important to know that keywords are words that customers use in internet searches and results pop up from that keyword. For example, I am selling dog products and one of them is shampoo so the keyword I would make sure to use is "pet shampoo". That way anyone who searches "pet shampoo" my website will then pop up. I learned that there are different types of keyword matching categories, meaning they keyword you use will match to your website. There is phrase matching, broad matching and exact matching. Phrase matching are keywords that shows anything that can include the meaning of the keyword. For example, if I were selling tennis shoes my website would pop up if someone searches "red tennis shoes" Broad matching will give results for anything related to what you are searching (i.e. searching shoes then the website for tennis shoes will appear). Exact matching are searches that are specific like men shoes, all websites with men shows will show up. There are also negative keywords which are keywords that you use so your business doesn't show up (i.e. selling tennis shoes you don't want your website to pop-up when someone searches dress shoes).

Understanding those I think will really help you find how you want your website advertised. I did an activity for class where we came up with 20 keywords. At first I thought it was a lot and I was nervous because I didn't know if I could come up with 20, but I did. I used broad, exact, and negative keywords. For me I eliminated a keyword "pet food" because I am not selling food. I am only selling organic cleaning pet products like shampoo, cleaning wipes, and paw pad protection lotion. I am also going to be selling organic medicine for certain pet treatments, nothing that requires prescription though. I used an exact keyword of pet cleaning wipes because that is part of what I sell and I wanted something to be more specific. I used a broad keyword "organic pet products" because it is broad enough that a lot of people search it and specific to what I sell which is organic products. It is time consuming to pick the keywords you want or don't want, but it is worth it as you don't want your business to pop up on every search. You want your website to only show up to your target audience. For me my target audience are people who want organic products to use on their pets so their pets don't get harmed from chemicals in other products.

After picking keywords then we can go into Google Ads. For my class we learned about Google Ads first and then keywords, but I thought it was good to pick keywords and then go into Google Ads. To start Google Ads you want to have a Google account and sign in. Then you hit the create campaign and start. You'll want to choose a budget to spend on your campaign, the bid amount you want to bid for space, enter in your keywords that you want to have relate to your business and then review it and start the campaign. 

I hope this helps in getting your business out there on the internet so people will be able to find you and you will be able to make an income. 


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