Choosing a Web Business

Published on 13 January 2023 at 20:57

Hello everyone. My name is Kirstin Stevens and I want to share with you all the process of choosing a web business. I will be updating this blog each week, so be sure to tune in. 

This week I have learned what it takes to choose an online business. I have ran an actual business while I was in Germany and starting a website I thought it would be easy to do. I have found out that is not the case. There are different business models that I am not familiar with. For example, there is a dropshipping, affiliate, subscription, advertising, and so on. Learning these business models. I have come to realize that all websites are businesses, which I did not think they were at first. The things I learned has definitely broadened my perspective.  For example, this blog is a type of online business because it can use the subscription and/or advertising model.

Because there were tons of models to choose from it really opened up so many business opportunities. It was a little intimidating because I wasn't sure how to choose a business. However, using GoogleAds really helped me narrow down the search for a business because I can see how many people clicked on a website, which to me shows the interest that people have based on the keywords. Being able to see what people are interested in helped me decide what business I wanted to do. However, that wasn't the only thing that helped me. My teacher shared an excel spreadsheet that showed which business options would be best to pursue. I have then came to the conclusion that I should start a pet grooming business.

I am excited and scared to start this endeavor. I have created a pet grooming/boarding business while I was overseas in Germany. I am comfortable in starting this business and I have a lot of knowledge on grooming and running a business. The only difference is that I have to create a website and that there is more competition. There was not many competition in Germany because people could take their animals anywhere and they focused more on training dogs instead of boarding and grooming them. Being back in the US I really have to find ways to compete against big-named grooming companies like PetCo, because PetCo dominates my area. I am excited to share more and learn more as I create my own business with the help of using my class materials. 

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